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Hi--Matthew here. If you're viewing this page, you've probably seen a post of mine on social media, we've chatted before, or, you've seen at least one of the videos on the "Diamond Dragons" YouTube channel:
Or perhaps you've witnessed my work via other channels. Whatever the case, it's important that you understand that I, the author, do all of my own editing. By watching at least one or two videos, you'd immediately understand how any given review I'd create for YOU might appear.
So, let's get to it, shall we? :) Because I won't be doing these for just anyone. Naesst; no way!
That's basically it! :) But below, I'll break down precisely what the video would cover...
A -- Author, Title, Tagline, Artwork + BACK'S SYNOPSIS READ ALOUD! :)
B -- Book's craftmanship and storytelling
C -- Characters and their archetypal comparisons
D -- Depth of the Worldbuilding
E -- Extra special considerations (formatting, illustrations, videos, merch, game/film content, etc.)
F -- Final summary/conclusion (Zi, Ziesst; kinda like STORYTELLING. Go figure.)
Nothing else is required in return. Sure, if you'd like to do your own shout out to my own work someday, that's fine. But I don't require it, and I've no interest in forcing anyone to read my work. That would be entirely of their own volition.
I'll post the lineup of authors on my website in numerical, sequential, order (as I received them). Videos crafted for each individual on this list will also be posted in sequential order. That way, everyone will always know who's up next.
So, at merely the cost of a copy of your book--which I will show in the video--you end up with a raving VIDEO review. And please keep this in mind: I wouldn't craft a video for you if I didn't find your work to be pretty darn exemplary. Naturally, I'd be honest and impartial about everything (to the best of my abilities), but I'd DEFINITELY be singing the book's praises! Your name would never appear on my list and no video would be created unless I enjoyed your work. And no one ever needs to know if your work wasn't something I felt passionately about.
Obviously there are no obligations on either side. Again, if I don't like your work after I read a few chapters, then there's no way I would want a physical copy, nor would I agree to do a video review of it in the first place. And if you don't want to contact me or even send anything at any point... you simply wouldn't. The End! :) It just means I wouldn't review it. Obviously.
I HOPE YA LIKE MY IDEA! :) Spread the word, too (if you wish). Or, feel free to craft your OWN reviews of any kind. There's nothing stopping anyone from taking this idea and applying it.
Have a great Starsweek my Zell Amals. Chi-Yong, Vas Res, and... 'Eyayeli-ha'!
To weed out SCHPAM, currently, we only accept e-mails. Please do not expect a response if you attempt to contact me via social media. I might respond, but I might not. I may see the message, but I may not. E-mail is ideal, professional, and my preferred method of interaction.
Copyright © 2018 - 21xx, Ziwalos Productions. All Rights Reserved. No reproductions of any kind are permitted without express permission. No portion of this website, nor its media, sounds, images, videos, music, nor any other materials such as: copy, text, icons, graphics, nor headers may be reproduced in any form without express, demonstrable permission from the publisher (Ziwalos Productions, L.L.C.), except as permitted by U.S. copyright law.
For permissions, questions, or concerns, contact:
WEBSITE DESIGN: Matthew Carauddo (author / creator of 'Diamond Dragons')