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The Print / Physical versions of DD, Book 1 launched on 12.21.21 @8:00am PST.
Purchase DD1 HARDCOVER (6"x9", color)
Purchase DD1 PAPERBACK (5.5"x8.5", greyscale)
* Based on the screenplay from 2018-2019
* Dragons on a spiritual, LOTR-style quest
* 60+ epic, hand-designed, non- images/illustrations
* 147,000+ words, 50 chapters (~400 pages)
* Full Dust Jacket, Linen Wrap (hardcover only)
* Years of world-building, character development and more
* Pre-visualization of screenplay available here
Examples of some of the chapter artwork in Diamond Dragons, Book I.
Artwork by Klaudia Bezak, Tadeo Phillips, Ted Buffington, Matthew Carauddo
MUSIC: Fabian Schock
VIDEO: Matthew Carauddo
VOICE-OVER: Matthew Carauddo
The digital version of DD, Book 1 launched on 06.21.21 @8:31pm PST.
* Based on the screenplay from 2018-2019
* Dragons on a spiritual, LOTR-style quest
* 16+ epic, hand-drawn images & concept art
* 140,000+ words, 50 chapters
* Years of world-building, character development and more
* Pre-visualization of screenplay available here
HARDCOVER: 6"x9", 60+ color illustrations
PAPERBACK: 5.5"x8.5", 60+ greyscale illustrations
Initial versions from 06.21.21 were electronic. The physical versions from 12.21.21 display the GOLD version of the magnificent cover art.
You can read rough versions of DD1, chapters I-IX for *FREE* (Zi, that is correct) here!
I would LOVE to hear from you regarding your thoughts, questions, concerns, and ideas about "Diamond Dragons". Triumph or tragedy, I am open to a dialogue with ALL of my readers!
As reviews are submitted, and my schedule permits it, I'll place them on a separate page here on the website.
Copyright © 2018 - 21xx, Ziwalos Productions. All Rights Reserved. No reproductions of any kind are permitted without express permission. No portion of this website, nor its media, sounds, images, videos, music, nor any other materials such as: copy, text, icons, graphics, nor headers may be reproduced in any form without express, demonstrable permission from the publisher (Ziwalos Productions, L.L.C.), except as permitted by U.S. copyright law.
For permissions, questions, or concerns, contact:
WEBSITE DESIGN: Matthew Carauddo (author / creator of 'Diamond Dragons')